by Carl Pyrdum
on August 2, 2012
(Via* Super Hero Photography by Adam Jay. Head here for the full photoset.)
For once, my post is not deceptively titled. It is what it is. Good show.
Though, for the record, it is the long-standing position of this blog that Medieval Batman should be more Robin Hood than Black Knight.** Or, barring that, 十大加速器排名.
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by Carl Pyrdum
on July 18, 2012
Today in the geekier parts of the blagosphere, an interesting Quora query quends trends: “What are the optimal siege tactics for taking Magic Kingdom’s Cinderella Castle?”
As it so happens, the Breviary of Renaud de Bar* provides the answer:

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by Carl Pyrdum
on 加速器比较好
Regarding last week’s marginal horse-on-man action,* a reader contacted me off blog to ask, “What’s been blotted out there in between the horse guy and the rabbit?”–by which the curious reader meant this:
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by Carl Pyrdum
on July 2, 2012
We’ve spoken before of the difficulty of getting back on horses. Even once the decision to re-mount the damn things has been made, there’s no guarantee the redoubled attempt will turn out any differently. So learned a certain marginal denizen, found in Bibliothèque Mazarine MS 520 and pictured hyeah:
Moments before this image was illuminated, I’m pretty sure we heard a certain now-mounted marginal man exclaim, “Oh, yeah, horse? Well I’ll show you…” [continue reading…]
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by 加速器比较好
on June 25, 2012
As an ancient series of posts here has exhaustively demonstrated, using the word “medieval” when you really just mean “stupid,” “backward,” or “wrong-headed”* is a pet peeve of mine.** The worst is when people attach it to fundamentalist Christians, the Westboro Baptist Church types (who picket at any funeral guaranteed to piss people off when picketed), because the “Answers in Genesis“, “God Hates Fags”*** way of reading the Bible is essentially hyper-Protestan and thus Early Modern at the earliest, really a feature of Puritan-era England during the Interregnum,**** to be more precise—so not medieval by about a century and a half.*****
But those of you who long for the chance to lay the medieval smack down on some modern day Biblical literalists without being countersmacked by yours truly, rejoice! For I say unto you, the people responsible for the ACE line of fundamentalist textbooks are now appear to have been for some time****** including the Loch Ness Monster as possible evidence against evolution in their Biology textbook designed for home schooled ninth-graders. Thus spake the ACE:
Are dinosaurs alive today? Scientists are becoming more convinced of their existence. Have you heard of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’ in Scotland? ‘Nessie’ for short has been recorded on sonar from a small submarine, described by eyewitnesses, and photographed by others. Nessie appears to be a plesiosaur.
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by Carl Pyrdum
on May 28, 2012
I believe I’ve mentioned at least once before my new hobby, antiquing.* Well, whilst** haunting the local monthly antique show, I stumbled across a man selling manuscript leaves. Or, rather, he stumbled across me, as I was standing there helpfully pointing out to passers by that he’d completely mislabeled every single manuscript leaf he had for sale.***
Now, in general, leaves ripped from manuscripts and traded as framed art raise both my dander and my ire–cutting up old books completely destroys the manuscript’s provenance, rendering it mostly useless for scholarly work–but this guy clearly wasn’t cutting up manuscripts himself, just reselling leaves someone long ago cut up, so I cut him some slack and struck up a friendly conversation with him.****
To my surprise, the dealer was glad to have the corrected information on his wares and interested to know how this random guy in the Voltron tee-shirt***** knew so much about manuscripts. Indeed, once he knew my scholarly bonafides, I couldn’t shake the guy. Each step away from his booth brought to his mind some new stashed away treasure that I must be told about immediately. There’s a happy ending to the story though, as my feigned interest was replaced with the actual stuff when he trotted out this, a (presumably)****** late medieval Spanish liturgical******* manuscript decorated with marginal saints. I snapped a few pictures, a gallery of which I’ve attached to the end of this post.******** A couple of interesting high points first. [continue reading…]
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by Carl Pyrdum
on May 27, 2012
Don’t you just hate it when Hollywood butchers your favorite book?
Anyone have a spare Benjamin?*
Bonus: IMDB is a strange place.
Bonus Bonus: There are even response reviews.
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by Carl Pyrdum
on May 21, 2012
If my recent experience is representative–and we’re going to pretend for the sake of this post that it is–* whenever something’s gone all rotten in your personal or professional life, trust that you will soon be flush with horse enthusiasts bent on getting you “back on”.
Were the next panel of the marginal monkey below’s life extant, it’d almost certainly feature his monkey pals assuring him that, really, recent setbacks** notwithstanding, horsetop is the way to go:

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by Carl Pyrdum
on May 14, 2012
Welcome back, BoingBoingkateers! And welcome, too, to all you How-To Geeks, Geek Thinkers, Neatoramans,* and all other various and sundries referred to my old Mario marginalia post by Making Light. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but a sudden spike of attention in the wider blogosphere also makes the heart grow to be less absent, so here I am, back to blogging, after long absence. And what better way to return than by returning to an old subject?**
As you’ll all no doubt recall, the main thesis of my Mario post,*** and several posts before and after that, is that Gothic manuscript pages–particularly those pages found in the more de luxe manuscripts–are laid out as though the elements on the page were subject to a force of gravity that pulls–or threatens to pull–everything down toward a gaping pit in the lower margin, save, of course, the text on the page and a few anchored elements. Initial capitals and large bordered illuminations count as “anchored elements,” which, like Mario’s question blocks, are attached directly to the sky/page somehow, and everything else needs to be held up by those anchors. Thus, the snail at the head of this post, having strayed into the page’s left margin to escape the jousting monkey knight,**** has to be supported by a last minute “hill” composed of a scribbly “u”.
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by Carl Pyrdum
on March 19, 2012
When coming back after a brief hiatus, I always feel the pressure to make my next post something as epic as the lapse was long.* If I knew what’s good for me, I’d probably just silently reappear without explanation,** but when have I ever been accused of knowing what’s good for me?*** Though it’s only been about a month since my last marginalia, I’m digging deep into my collection of weirdness this week, brushing past the milder fare, your stilt-walking monkeys and luxuriantly accessorized lady pigs and the like, and going straight for the top shelf: shockingly gratuitous blasphemy.
So let us peel back the pages of the Lovell Lectionary, shall we? (British Library MS Harley 7026)

For those of you confused by why I’d advertise blasphemy and deliver a picture of two men with huge icepicks standing over a table with a bloody circle on it, some perspective is in order.****
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